The Power of Emotions in Branding


In the diverse field of marketing, understanding the true essence of what brands sell comes first. Successful brands recognize that they are not just vending products or services. Instead, they are storytellers, and what are the best stories they tell? Those of emotions and experiences, of course. When the marketing paradigm shifted from a focus […]

Creativity in Crisis? Here’s your creative recharge!


Being a part of the creative industry, like digital marketing, is usually a ton of fun. Those of us in the thick of crafting visions often rave about the exhilarating and varied nature of our everyday tasks. But let’s get real here, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Hey, we’re human after all, and even […]

Марија: „Едни од најдобрите маркетери, се самоуки маркетери“

Марија Јанеска

Запознајте ја Марија која од неодамна е Senior Partner во MOTION. Марија е личност која верува дека прогресивните идеи можат да го променат светот. Таа сака да ја зграпчи секоја можност која верува дека има потенцијал и да им помогне на бизнисите да ја раскажат својата приказна. Инаку е љубител на животните, добрата храна, како […]

Video killed the image star


Videos have become such a big part of our everyday lives that it’s hard to remember how things were before. It must have been so exciting for the older gens, such as the boomers who first witnessed Video in the form of TV over a hundred years ago, or even before the TV craze, when […]

Уште една успешна дигитална приказна 

Дигитална приказна

Минатата година започнавме една многу важна приказна заедно со СЕДЦ – Сеавус едукативен и развоен центар, во насока на креирање заедничка Академија за Дигитален Маркетинг. По успешната реализација и оваа година ја продолжуваме приказната, со цел да им овозможиме на што повеќе лица да се стекнат со потребното знаење и вештини и со тоа да […]

Influencer or Fame-Chaser? 


Influencer marketing is undoubtedly a powerful tool but has taken a strange path in recent years. In the beginning, it was all about the product and the story behind it, and now it’s more about fame and self-promotion. But before we jump into the cringe-fest, let’s take a step back and look at the historical […]

Don’t be a sceptic, run those ads!


It’s great that you’ve set out in the digital world, but can you really start your digital journey without packing ADVERTISING in your suitcase? Before you go, make sure you check the list below.   Let’s face the truth – you need the exposure Okay, so if we are talking honestly, every brand needs exposure, […]

A whole new universe in MOTION

blog motion universe homepage

So far, it’s been such a remarkable journey, and we have enjoyed every second of it. We are incredibly grateful for all the friends we’ve made and for our mutual accomplishments. We believe that everyone deserves to win and that creating partnerships is far better than creating competition. That is why we decided to expand […]

Together We Are More: Creating A More Inclusive World by Moving Together


If we wish to create and live in a progressive and beloved community, we must stand for justice and equality and take action to learn how to recognize differences without attaching differences to privilege. Operating in more than 90 countries, the Human Rights Watch represents an organization that monitors governments around the world for abuse […]